Friday, November 30, 2007

I SO want my body back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So during my last visit to the doctor, they asked me how I was doing on Paxil. “I LOVE IT!” I said enthusiastically except one thing I CAN’T GET OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So as my female doctor looks at me in horror… she says she will have to do some research to find another pill with similar properties to Paxil but that won’t have the same side effect… (There are a lot of side effects I would happily deal with, Constipation, loss of appetite, night blindness, involuntary shakes, ect.ect.ect…) but this was a definite deal braker. So after a few days of research she called back and said they were going to move me over to Lexapro and to come pick up a 21 day trial. I am now almost 2 weeks into the meds and this is the worst I have felt in months. I would almost trade the panic attacks to not have to take this med. It is awful.. I am constantly angry and upset. I have no focus (as you can tell since I am doing this instead of actually doing my job!!) I am still mad at people and events that happened on Monday that I should totally let go, (lets just say in involves a parking space and a woman with really bad hair) I take the meds and I get MAD not just a little but CRAZY MAD like want to hit someone mad, like temper tantrum throwing crap mad, like I feel out of control…. I called her yesterday and told her this is NOT going to work… I solved 1 issue but created a bunch more!!!! I am now waiting to hear back to see what her next suggestion is… Tonight I have indoor again…. I hope it is better then last Friday night, that was awful…..

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Eh. One problem or the other. which is worse? Having panic attacks or NOT having sexual release? That's a toughy...